Information for Will Writers
Does your client wish to leave a gift in their will to their church? Information is available to ensure your client's wishes are met.
During the covid-19 crisis the National Legacy Team are working remotely. If you are looking for contact details for a particular church, please try search on A Church Near You. If you can't find what you are looking for on this website or on Parish Resources, we would be delighted to help in anyway we can, so please do get in touch.
Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to His church. A gift in your Will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within your community.
A gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep your local church alive, and help transform its future.
Does your client wish to leave a gift in their will to their church? Information is available to ensure your client's wishes are met.
Answers to some of those common questions surrounding legacy giving, will making, terminology and inheritance tax.
Is your parish looking to encourage legacy giving in your church? Are you a member of a PCC and need more information and advice?
Writing a will helps secure the future of the people you love. Here is our suggested wording for leaving a gift in your will.
Are you administering an estate where a legacy has been left to a Church of England parish church? Helpful information can be found here.
Gifts in wills are an important part of Christian Giving and a way of saying thanks to God for the gifts of our lifetime.
The Stewardship Team, Archbishops’ Council, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ
Phone the Church Legacy Line for free information and resources: 08445 870875
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